DWV Continuous Waste & Wall Boxes - Traps
Tubular Plastic Products for Plumbing DWV
Sink Drains
Shower & Floor Drains
Air Admittance Devices
Dishwasher & Ice Maker Boxes
Vinyl Shower Liner
Plastic w/ Chrome & Brass Finish Escutcheon plates 1/2" to 4"
PVC 40 & 80 CPVC Fittings 1/4" - 12"
Complete line of Tees, Crosses, Wyes, Couplings, Male & Female Adapters
Complete line of 45° & 90° ells, Unions, 3 & 4 way ells
Socket, Treaded, Spg & Blind Flanges
Spg & Threaded Plugs
Threaded & Socket Caps
Flange Gasket & Bolt Kits
Reducer Bushings - spg x soc, spg x fpt, mpt x fpt
CPVC Fire, ABS Compressed Air & Polyetholine Gas Piping
Slotted Monitoring well products
1"& 2" x 5' casing & screen flush thread
2"& 4" x 10' lengths .010 slot
10' lengths plain end sch 40
1/2" - 2" ABS compressed air pipe and fittings tees & valves
90° couplings
45° couplings
Female adapters
Drop bends and valves
PVC Electrical 1/2"-6" Pipe-Ftgs.-Boxes. Transformer Pads & Splice Boxes
Complete line of PVC electrical Fittings, Adapters, Couplings & Sweeps
Lock Nuts
Multiple radiuses on 90°
HL248 Fiberglass transformer pads
HL41 Splice boxes
PVC type LB, LR, LL, E & C boxes
Weather tite outlet & Switch covers
Weather heads
Expansion couplings
Junction boxes
Plastic Base & Intermediate Spacers
500', 1000' & 3000' Rolls of 1100lb rope
Pull string 6500' buckets
Conduit Pistons
DVW Roof Boots-Flexible Fittings-Grease Traps
Flexible couplings from 1" to 24" PVC to PVC, Clay to PVC, Concrete to PVC, AC to PVC
1 1/2" to 4" Flexible 90 deg & tee wyes
Roof boots in aluminum with neoprene
All neoprene flexible roof boots for aluminum roofs up to 11" OD pipe
Cast iron grease traps 7lb & 12lb capacity
Roof boots that can be installed from inside (no need to climb on the roof)
Plastic grease traps 20 & 25 LB capacity
Water Filters-Cartridges-Strainers
Whole house filters 3/4" standard housing 1" & 1 1/2" large heavy duty housing
Cartridges include pleated 20, 30 & 50 micron
Spun poly pro 5 & 25 micron
Granular activated carbon
Activated carbon impregnated cellulose & 50 micron cord wound
In line strainers with clear bowls from 1/4" to 1 1/2" with 20, 40 & 80 mesh screens
PVC in line wyes strainers 1/2" to 3"
DWV 40 Fittings PVC 1/2-16"
Complete line of Sanitary Tees, Wyes, Double wyes
Couplings, Internal couplings, p-traps with and w/o clean outs
Male & Female adapters
Flush cleanouts
Complete line of closet flanges, aluminum rings, stainless steel rings with & w/o knockouts
Condensate traps
Brass Ftgs. 1/2 - 2" Threaded-Compression Ftgs,-Curb Stops-Valves-Guages
1/4" Pressure gauges 0 - 15, 0 - 30, 0 - 60, 0 - 100, 0 - 160 PSI
0 - 100 liquid filled
Brass threaded nipples 1/2" - 2" various lengths in stock
Pitless adapters
Brass insert coupling & male adapters 1/2" - 2"
Iron compression couplings for IPS to ductite iron O.D. transitions 4", 6" & 8"
Iron gate valves 3", 4" & 6" IPS gaskets and 3, 4, 6 & 8" compression mechanical joint
Plastic water meters us gallon & cu ft readout
Brass threaded fittings
Brass compression waterworks fittings
Sump Pump & Sewerage Ejector Systems-Battery Back up Sumps
1/3 & 1/2 horse power sump pumps
1/2 horse power effluent pumps
4/10 hp solid waste handling pumps
Gray water basins
Effluent & sewage basins
Hand Wipes-Sand Cloth-Leach Field Cleaner-Marker Paint
Hand Cleaners for removing PVC cement
Buckets of disposable hand wipes
2 part epoxy kits
Septic scrub additive for rejuvenating leach fields
Teflon thread sealants
Anchor screw kits
Orange, green, red, white, yellow and blue marker paint
Wands for marker paint
Lubricants-Free All- Epoxy Kits- Teflon Tape & Paste-
Waterproof, water resistant & open mesh sand cloth
Stainless steel polish
Expandable foam
Gas leak detectors spray
Duct tape
Pipe wrap tape (Black & Green)
Wax toilet gaskets
Tape measures 25', 165' & 330'
Pex Hot & Cold Water Manifolds-Fitgs.-Valves
Plastic hot & cold water plumbing manifolds for homerun plg systems
Water hammer arrestors
Brass & Copper Pex fitting & adapters
Flexible supply tubes for lavs & toilets
Pex to copper stub out ells with flange plates
Stainless steel reinforced dishwasher and washing machine hoses
CTS CPVC Water Fittings-Compression Fittings-Push Fit Ftgs.
Complete line of Pipe & Fitting tees CTS CPVC 1/2" & 3/4"
Complete line of Adapters, Tees, Couplings, Ells, Valves
Gripper style lock on fittings for CTS, CPVC, Pex and Copper 1/2" OD - 1 1/8" OD
Nut ring & cone fittings for Pex tubing
PVC-CPVC-Polypropelene Ball Valves-Check Valves- Multiport Valves
Compact ball valves 1/4 - 6"
True union ball valves 1/2 - 4"
True union ball check valves 1/2 - 4"
Polypro full port and reduced port ball valves 1/2 - 3
PVC and Polypro multiport valves 1/2 - 2"
Hose Valves-Gate Valves-Lab Valves-Butterfly Valves
Brass double garden hose valves 3/4"
Plastic hose bibs 1/2 - 3/4"
PVC needle valves - 1/4, 3/8, 1/2"
Knife valves 1 1/2 - 8"
Butterfly valves 2 - 8"
Gooseneck lavatory faucets
Spring loaded check valves 1/2 to 2"
CTS-IPS Plastic and Metal Hangers 1/4"-12"
Plastic perforated strap
2 hole clips
F & M plates
Beam & Riser clamps
A-Band, Clevis & Split Ring hangers
Unistrut and Strut clips
Plastic Clic hangers
Strut catchers for clics
Plastic talon hangers with nail
Single hole clips
Plastic suspension hangers
Galvanized straphangers
Pipe insulators
90° support bends
PEX Radiant Heat Manifolds-Mixing Valves-Heat Plates-Insulation
4 - 24" Zip ties
Metal unistrut
Strut clamps and Strut catchers for clic hangers
Radiant floor heating
Pex radiant transfer plates
ESP low E insulation products for radiant heat and building application
House wrap and slab shield
Mixing valves and circulators
Insert Barb Fittings-Polypropeline Compression-Quick Release
PVC Insert fittings 1/2" - 4"
-Complete Line of Tees & Crosses
-90° & Combination 90°
-Male & Female adapters
-Insert & solvent weld adapters & street adapters
-Complete line of Couplings
Polypropylene Compression Fittings 1/4" - 5/8" OD
-Combination Tees
-Compression x MT & Compression x FT
-Reducing couplings and adapters
Kynar Compression Fittings 1/4" to 1/2" OD
-Male adapter
-Reducing Couplings
Cam Lever Ftgs. 1/2 - 4" PVC Compression Fittings 1/2 - 6"
Polypro cam lever adapters
Male pipe thread
Female pipe thread
Hose shank
Plugs and Caps 1/2" to 4"
PVC Compression couplings
Male adapters and Female adapters for PVC IPS size pipe
HDPE CTS pipe size and 200 PSI IPS HDPE pipe size
Solvent Weld, Cements & Primers
1/4 PT to Gallon size container of cements & Primer
Applicators for large diameter pipe & Fittings
Cements range from quick set for small joints and slower setting for larger joints
Pipe lube for gasket joints in pint, quart and gallon size as well as spray lube in pint container
Lenox Saws-Hole Saws-Drill Wood Bits-Etc.
Bi-Metal hole saws 1/4 to 6"
Carbide hole saws 3/4 to 6"
PVC hand saws 12 to 18" long
Tri-Fold, Cable &Hacksaws
Hack saw, Sawsall, Cast Iron, Jigsaw blades
Retractable razor knifes
One tooth hole saws
Auto feed wood bits 1 to 2 9/16"
Arbor extensions 5 1/2, 10, 12 & 18"
Demolition, fire & rescue blades
PVC Cutters-Ratchet Shears-Scissor Shears-Welders
Ratchet shears for PVC pipe 1/4 to 2"
Scissor shears for soft tubing, HDPE & Pex
Crimp tools & Pinch tools for Pex tubing
Torque wrenches for ss clamps
1/2 & 3/4" stub wrenches for extracting broken fittings
Locked type pipe cutters 3/8 to 8"
Plastic closet bolts & closet wedges
Pex pneumatic staple gun
Ram bits 1 1/2 to 4" ( for cutting pipe out of solvent weld sockets) DWV
Replacement cutting wheels and blades
PEX Tubing Hot-Cold Water-Radiant
Pex tubing 3/8" to 1" Red and Blue for plumbing
Pex tubing 3/8" to 1" Red with Oxygen barrier
Pex tubing 3/8" to 1" in coils 100' to 1000' and straight lengths 20'
HDPE N-12 Culvert Pipe-4"-60"
Corrugated exterior & smooth wall interior HDPE culvert pipe perforated and solid
Bell end soil tile joints
Biodifusor Septic Chambers- Geoflow Septic Pipe 10"
16" tall Biodiffussor Chambers
11" tall Biodiffussors Chambers
15" tall Bio 2 Chambers
4, 7, & 9 hole plastic distribution boxes
End plates with knock outs for Biodiffussers
Underground Marking Tape-Plastic and Metallic-Marker Flags
3" wide non-detectable warning tape for water, sewer, electrical, gas, telephone and caution
1000' rolls 3" wide detectable warning tape for water
Marker flags with metal stakes in pink, red, orange and white
Pressure & Drainage Pipe Saddles
Bolt on DWV saddles 3" x 2", 4" x 2" & 4" x 4"
Wedge lock style PVC saddles for pressure applications for 2" to 8" pipe
Strap on saddle tees & wyes with 4" & 6" outlets for 6" to 24" SDR 35 PVC Pipe
Flexible saddle tees & wyes with 4" & 6" outlets 8" to 12" main range
Inserta tees with 4" & 6" SDR 35 outlets for 6" to 36" main lines for PVC, AC, Concrete, Clay Tile and ADS N-12
PVC SDR-35 Ringtite Gravity Sewer Pipe 4" to 24"
4" & 6" x 10' solvent weld perf and solid
4" - 24" x 14' ringtite joints
SDR-21 Ringtite pressure pipe 8"x 20' IPS size
SDR-18 Ringtite pressure pipe 4"-8"x 20' D.I. O.D C-900
Land Drain - Perforated & Solid
Corrugated HDPE draintite 4"-12"
Double wall smooth interior HDPE culvert pipe 4"-48"
HDPE fittings 4"-24" for double wall & single wall pipes
Low E Insulation
16", 18" and 24" wide tab injoist
48" wide air and heat duct wrap
48" wide under slab (heat = radon & vapor) insulation
48" wide perferated house wrap
1/2" - 4" pipe insulation
Polyethelene Cister water and septic tanks
Water holding tanks 15 gallon through 3000 gallon in stock
Septic tanks 300, 500, 750, 1000, 1300, 1500 gallon
Pump tanks 30 & 300 gallon pickup truck tanks 200 and 350